Thursday, October 7, 2010

Feelings and feelings.

I really hope that by typing this post would makes me feel better.
I'm currently in Part 1 (a.k.a. year 2) of my LLB degree. I felt so glad and blessed that I managed to passed my first year with not-too-bad result, at least i didn't expect it'll be that or rather I think I could do better. Seeing some of my friends still stuck at their year one makes me felt so blessed that I made it through at least the first year.
During the summer holidays, I've played soo hard that now I'm struggling to adjust my studious mode back again. Really missing the times where no worries, play hard, and eat well are the only things in mind. Yvonne, Sam, Dana, Amy, Sher, Kammy and Meli are some of the people that made me spent my summer well.<3> and ofcourse my family and michael have treated me very well.Also, the LOL thing is that I was trying to play soo hard on the day before my result is out. All my college friends were soo anxious about their result while I'm out having lunch with my girls. Jane, my dorm neighbour was the one who called me early the next morning when the result was released. I haven't even wake up yet and she woke me up already. Reluctantly, I went to checked it and SOOO RELIEVED. I yelled for joy early in the morn... and went to tell my mom in front of my dad. I felt bad for ignoring my dad though. Straight away I went dimsum with my girls...hahaha!
Anyway, I smsed my dad about my result and hopefully he wont feel so "hurt". I really wanna thank God for my parents. I just pray and hope that they will come back to You soon.

What about my "new beginning"?
4Septt2010: My part 1 started. Until today, I'm still struggling to study hard just like how i played hard. my goshh, it's soo hard and I dont wanna live in regretsss.T.T
Sometimes, I really admires my roommate's studious habit. I felt soo scared and "threaten" or should i say "jealous" but it's not really jealous... admire still the right word i guessed. No doubt, she did better than me coz she got an "A" and its very hard for an external student to get an"A" in our programme. Less than 10person in my college scored As. And now, I'm stressed up of myself.=s

I so hope that i can be smart without effort.=) Im trying to look on the brightside now. Gotta do some reading. Goodnight.
